Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If you're reading this...

I just want to let you know that I will always love you.

Sometimes we say or do things and we don't think about the effect it will have on others. We just throw stuff out into the universe and don't consider the repercussions. We don't bother with the follow up. Then there are those rare times where that distant "I wonder what ever happened when I _____ (insert situation)" is answered. That's when we find out how we might have made someones day, or even when we might have hurt someone.

Growing up, I remember the worst punishment I could have ever received was the thought of letting my mom down. She already knew how hard my father was on us, so when we would upset her there would be no screaming or yelling or even a beat down. It was silence, and it was disappointment in her face. That would just tear me up. I hate knowing I've let someone down, especially when its someone that holds such a special place in my heart.

I'm sorry I let you down.

Monday, August 22, 2011


I'm sitting here at my desk with a shitload of work and all I can think about is some random memory from last year.

January 2010, Carlos bought me my kickboxing gloves and a 6 week training course. I was so excited!! I remember the first night I went I was so scared. I didn't know what to expect and didn't want to be embarrassed if I couldn't keep up. But I went, and I did keep up! I remember when the session was over the instructor went around and gave high fives to everyone and my girlfriend and I walked outta the studio. I'm not sure if it was just the adrenaline pumping or the whole experience just evoked some emotions, but I started to cry. It felt good. I felt good. I was proud of myself and it was healthy to get out some of that aggression in a positive form.

I think I thought of this because I know I'm in the middle of a transition in my life. That and the fact that I'm going to a boot camp tonight. I'm excited, and I look forward to being sore. I need to get some anger out. I need a good cry, even if its only on the inside.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Delete Obsolete

You've officially been erased from  my phone, now in order for me to even want to contact you, it will be work. Sending an email doesn't have as quick of a return as a nasty gram via text. I meant what I wrote. I am not mad, I'm very disappointed and I feel sad...for you.

Go fuck yourself.

*I'm sorry you read this.