Sunday, October 10, 2010


It's after 2am, I just got back from a little reunion of sorts. I swear, I love FB. I got to see Royal Oaks kids, Northview kids and Duarte High folks. It was actually a pretty good turn out. It's crazy to see old familiar faces and here stories about what curve balls life has thrown at them. Old friends like these are like comfort food for my soul. They keep me grounded and are a constant reminder of where I came from and why I am who I am today. :)

On a side note, I'm totally having a foot-in-mouth moment. I regret being so open and honest with him, I feel like it was too much too soon. I apologized and he texted me "I accept your apology" and "don't trip" hmm....I'm having a Swingers moment. I'm overanalyzing the situation. Leave it alone already Robin!

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