Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nothing lasts forever...

Apparently, I decided it was throw back Thursday and decided to do some online stalking of exes, people I completely fucked things up with and so forth. Why? Yeah, I dunno either. I'm telling you, I'm pretty sure I have some hormonal imbalance. It never fails, the week/week and a half before I start my period I go bananas. I don't want to go on birth control though. In March I will be 31. Lots of random feelings and thoughts have been going through my brain. I think when the new year starts I want to make it a point to write down a couple of my thoughts of the day. I did that once in high school and for about two years after high school. I would write on my little calendar what I did. It was fun, and depressing, to look back.

I was thinking about this year and I have to say it has been the best thus far. I went to lots of concerts, fell in love, learned how to be alone, distanced from those who aren't serving a purpose in my life, and kicked my best friendship into high gear. I let go on my apartment, I moved in with sissy, I lost my job, got offered a new one. I've been on so many flights, I gained confidence. I got more real with  myself, and everyone else as well. I've worked on my patience, and I've begun to let go. I've given lots of advice, shopped, and donated a ton.

I have to upload some pictures.

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