Thursday, December 15, 2011

30 In 30

I've been inspired. Well, I am on a daily basis, but lately I've been so inspired that I've decided to take action and....make lists! My 30th bday is coming up soon and I'm going through big changes. I feel nothing but positivity and progression so this is good! I've decided I'm going to do (or con't to do) certain things (30 of them to be exact) in my 30th year of life. No, I haven't completed the list but that's ok I have time. Who knows, maybe it will end up being more than 30. Anyhow, this is what I have so far:

1. Continue to donate platelets and/or blood on a bi-weekly basis
2. Continue to volunteer
3. Take vacations....big, small, near, far, alone or with groups.
4. Get more massages
5. Read more
6. Finish at PCC by the end of 2012, if not before, so I can be at Pacific Oaks by Spring 2013
7. Save $$$
8. Learn to cook
9. Take more walks

These are all doable things, some I have started, others I plan to. And the list goes on....

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