Friday, January 6, 2012

Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Ugh. Yuck. Blah.

I was doing good, soooo good. After work I went to go visit Veronica and we walked to the coffee shop. I printed out the emails between Chris and I. It was nice to just unload. Her place is beautiful. Around 7:15 I met up at the Brass with Alex. Hmm, I think that's a first and last on many accounts.

First off, he looks homeless. Like, missing teeth, shaggy salt n' pepper hair and matching beard. He just looked a little crackish. I know, I'm horrible...and honest. Well, seeing how it was so early, there were only like 6 people in the bar. I had my first vodka tonic and then we were each presented with a shot....of absinthe. Some frequent bar patron bought a round for everyone. I hate absinthe. I've had it one. I hate that black licorice/anise taste. But, to be kind, I took the shot. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I hadn't ate much of a breakfast or lunch earlier and I hadn't had dinner either. Almost immediately, I felt that shot. And then I ordered another vodka tonic. So, I'm buzzin'. We finish and I tell him I have to go. My mind and heart were racing. This mantra of "I will not drunk text! I will not drunk text!" raced through my thoughts. I drove to Jack in the Box. I ordered. And. I. Drunk. Text...Chris :(

Epic fail. I suppose it could've been a lot worse. I just told him I wish we would have spent one more night together. Followed that up with an I'm sorry I've been drinking. He was kind. He texted back that it was no problem and if I was driving to be safe. I came home, called Gio and sobbed for an hour. It was good to get it out. I tried to call Chris. It went to a message saying that he was on the phone. THANK GOD I didn't leave a message.

That was yesterday, this is today. I cannot change last night. I've learned my lesson. I rarely if ever drunk dial, I'm just gonna go ahead and blame the absinthe. They say that drink supposedly makes you think lucid thoughts. I just got cray. I'm so glad I have great, non judgemental friends. It was a good, long over due cry.

All better.

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