Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.- Oprah Winfrey

I rarely eat bagels.

They are delish, yes, and I love smothering them with flavored cream cheeses....but I just rarely eat them. I've read and heard from many people that the caloric intake (along with all that cream cheese) is HUGE! So, once I found that out I just kinda stopped.

Why is it that I can't seem to do that with other foods, like basically any fast food? Better yet, why can't I let go of other things in my life that I've been holding on to? One day will I just wake up and just let go? Could it really be that simple? I suppose I'll find out sooner than later.

As my 29th year is coming to an end, I'm getting ready to embrace 30. I'm not beating myself up because I don't have X,Y & Z by now but I am amazed how stubborn and forceful I can come off. I want things my way. Will I ever just have to settle? I have this picture in my mind as to how things are "supposed" to be and I just don't see things happening that way. But I've made peace with it. It's fine. I'd rather not have hit certain milestones in life than to have done them in vain, or better yet, with the wrong person. This year, I definitely am determined. As I count down my 30 last days here at work and I get ready for my 30th birthday, I have excitement in my heart. There is so much I want (and plan!) on doing. I'm travelling, be it near or far, alone or in a group. I'm going to be responsible but not fearful. I will have gumption. I won't be scared. I will take risks. I will dive into my life feet first. I will continue to love myself. I'm getting a tattoo with sis. I will finish at PCC. I will be proud of the person I am, strengths and weaknesses. I will be a woman of the nineties.


I've officially submitted my 30 day notice to my apartment manager. I will no longer be an Arcadia resident effective March 1, 2012.

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