Friday, February 10, 2012


This is the time that I woke up tossing and turning from my bad dream.  It was about him and I being involved and  his two co workers that I guess you could consider his "work wives."
It bothered me. I didn't get consistent sleep. I remember waking up and looking at the clock. I also told myself that the time was going to be the title of today's blog.

Obviously, I stayed at his house again last night. Jacks was right, he should've called and told me to hang out with him because he cancelled his date with his other match person. Sissy came over after work and I was so tired from the previous nights drinks and late night romp. Seven rolled around and surprisingly, he did text. He asked if I was busy and if I would like to join him for dinner. I was game. It felt nice. I felt like he was making up for Sunday's fuck up.

The night before when I had gone over we went for drinks at The Blue Room in Burbank. It was a perfect Wednesday evening. The bar was empty, the furniture was a teal 1950's reupholstered throw back. We were the only ones in the bar. The bartender gave me money and I owned the jukebox. We ordered food from the place next door. A few more guys came in, so I was the only lady. I held my own with the boys. It was sweet and fun and carefree. David and I got on the topic of his upcoming Match date. He could tell I was a little bothered. Already I was having iffy feelings because he burned me on Sunday by not communicating with me properly. I understood that he made this date before I was in the picture. I have no control over what he does, and really, its not my business. I laid the ground rules since we are sleeping with one another and he gave me his word that he would adhere. Talk is cheap, I need action.

We went to his house and had another drink, he was buzzed. I started to kiss him and do a favor. He stopped me telling me I was better than that. He didn't want to make "this about this." It was endearing to hear. We kissed more and he mumbled and I told him to tell me what's on his mind. He was hesitant but grabbed my face, kissed me told me how beautiful and great I am and that he doesn't want me to date anyone else or want anyone else. Was this just the alcohol talking? Or was this the liquor induced honest to goodness truth? Either way, I was flattered and actually I didn't know how to answer. He continued to kiss me and tell me how beautiful I am and he looked at me in my eyes and said he didn't want to go on that date tomorrow and that he wasn't going to. I just said ok and we went to bed.

So, as I stated before, he did ask me over last night. I wasn't going to bring up the fact that he cancelled or did whatever to get outta that date. He did bring it up though. He said he just told her he had a long day. I of course asked if it had anything to do with me. I'm not sure if he rescheduled. Either way, that serves me no purpose. He had two very long, stressful days at work and decided to spend the evening with me. I told him I can tell he is at wits with himself. Like, he wants the relationship, the connection. But just as he said, I'm not sure if he wants the responsibility that goes along with it. The consideration he would have to put forth. Maybe its too much for him? Maybe he's scared? Maybe it really is that simple and I'm over analyzing like I always do.

Something doesn't feel right. I hate to nit pick. Our "flow" seems off. I'm just really trying to be open minded and level headed about all of this. I have to. I have no choice. I mean, if I want to keep seeing him I have to. He's a catch. He knows it. I think he likes the whole being able to flirt with no repercussions thing. It's nerve racking.

I'm tired.

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