Monday, February 13, 2012

Choose Your Adventure

I remember my brother used to have these books called Choose Your Adventure, or it was something along those lines. Anyhow, you would start a story off and then you would come to a crossroads in the book. From that point you would have to choose where you wanted the story to go. The idea was genius.

Just like those books, life is equally as unpredictable. There is something magical about the unknown. It's the anxiety, the uncertainty and almost an uneasiness about it all. I know, I need to be more present. But what happens if you are in the moment and you still feel blah? You can't help to reflect on the past or hope for the future. I've come to realize, I'm human just like anyone else. I have feelings and emotions. Unlike and ex or two that I know, I'm not a fucking robot. (smile)

I don't want to even necessarily know what happens. I need to learn to let go a little easier. I think my hang up is that I trust to easy. There are a lot of things in  my life that I have no middle ground with. For the most part, I believe life (at least mine) is black and white.

I have to be ok with the gray. Ironically, today is extremely gloomy.

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