Thursday, October 20, 2011

Playing Nice

I'm the first one to tell you that the whole 'exes as friends' thing DOESN'T work. I mean, there are exceptions to every rule, but for the most part my belief is true.

There are exes I know that wouldn't want to be my friend even if I was the last person on Earth. Yeah, I'm ok with that. Wow, I seriously began to write something not nice about both of them and decided to erase! haha. Anyhow, then there's the not so distant ex that I just can't be friends with. He seems to be ok with the idea, but I just can't go there. Maybe isn't that day. Neither is tomorrow. Or next week.

Finally, we have the ex that is rarely mentioned. In a sense, I've felt very opposite personality-wise from every guy I've been involved with. This particular ex really was (and still is) the polar opposite of me. He is much taller, much bigger and more Mexican than I could ever pretend to be. When him and I were involved people would look at us and give us the strangest looks. Friends at times asked me if I was scared to be with him, implying that he looked like he might beat me due to my feisty attitude (some things never change *wink*). He never did beat me. He rarely even raised his voice at me. If anything, I had the man wrapped around my midget sized pinky. He adored me. I was mean to him, because, well....I could. I know. Sounds awful. Throw your stones if you will!

Things didn't end too horribly with us. It was a convoluted relationship to begin with. There was a lot of giving and not necessarily enough reciprocating. This wasn't just materialistically. It was a time of transition as well. I was around 20 years old. My grandmother just died from breast cancer I was in school and I just started in the insurance biz. I was just beginning to learn more about myself. We fought a lot towards the end. His job took him cross country and I've never been good with the long distance stuff. We grew apart, and then there was Peter...the ex I consider my first "real" boyfriend. The one I took home to meet the family, the one that first showed me how a girlfriend is supposed to be treated. I fucked that one up, but it was intentional. I'm getting sidetracked!!

So, the ex I have been talking to got suggested to me on Facebook. I was pleasantly surprised to see he had a page so I gave him a poke. He poked back. I poked again. There was a lot of pokes. :) Finally, he added me and we got to talking. He's back in town and now has 3 (yes, THREE!) children. Oh, what's that you asked? Are they from three different women? OF COURSE! haha. This is where I remind you readers that I was like 20 when I dated this guy! Anyhow, he's doing great, taking care of his responsibilities and wants to go back to school. He is going to be out in *El Monte tonight ::shiver:: and he's going to pick up his eldest son. He invited me over to say hello to his family and go eat tacos at this place he claims to have the best tacos ever. Yeah, Tacos Zavala is the name. Hmmm. :/

I'm excited! I don't know if this is someone I can even call a friend. An old acquaintance seems more fitting. I'm not attracted to him, but it will be nice to see him and his family and play catch up. Adding tacos to the mix is just the cherry on top :)

Monte foo', don't trip! haha

*remind me to tell you about my El Monte theory someday

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