Friday, October 28, 2011

Somedays Aren't Yours At All..

TGIF. ::whew::

What a week! What a past TWO weeks! Not my two favorite weeks, but hey, we all have our not so good ones every once in a while. The month is speeding by. The holidays are near. I've made it a point to not say "I wish this year was over" because I don't. We all have a tendency to do that...wish we could speed things up. It's important that we don't have that capability though. I can honestly say that my good days totally out number my bad. When we have "bad" days it puts things into perspective and helps us realize just how good our life really is. Things could always be worse.

Wednesday I found out I didn't get the promotion. I was bummed that afternoon and yesterday, but talking to a few of my nearest and dearest, I realize that I haven't lost anything from that situation. I am still gainfully employed. There is still possibilities in the future. Above all else, something better is in store for me. I truly believe this. When it comes to work, I've always had such good luck. So, I'm not going to force anything, but I will be keeping my eyes and ears open for new opportunities. I've always had a keen sense as to when my time is done where I've worked, and I think not getting the new positive just made me stop and think "wow, as of August 14, I've been here 5 years with no movement!" I think that is what I got bummed out the most about. But hey, like I said, I'm still employed, they value me and my work and I know new and better things are on the horizon. In addition, I thought about how much vacation time I've accrued. I almost never call out sick and I rarely take days off, let alone plan vacations. In 2012, that will be changing. I have three back to back months worth of trips, and I'm beyond elated! March is my 30th bday (eek!) so my sissy myself and bestest will be heading up north to San Fran for the weekend. April my sissy and I are going to Kauai for a week to visit her best friend. May is my girlfriend cruise to the Bahamas....annnnnnnnnnnnnnd, Calvin wants to go to Spain in June (this one is iffy.)

Bottom line is, I have come to the conclusion that it's ok when things don't work out how we would've liked. Jobs, relationships...they all go hand in hand. What we want is not always what we need. So let it sting a little, let yourself hurt for a while...but not for too long. There's so much to be happy about and to be thankful for. :)

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