Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sweet November

November has always been one of those bittersweet months for me. Haha, thinking about it, anything in life somehow reminds me of a guy. My first November memory would have to be of Peter. Ahh...Peter. The golden child, he was a great first "real" boyfriend but sweet baby J did he ALWAYS remind me of it. Bless his soul.

Anyhow, he loved him some Guns n' Roses. His favorite song was November Rain. He would sing it and act out the video. All. The. Time. It was cute, and then it got old. Then I remember that Charlise Theron and Keanu Reeves movie came out. You guessed it, it was called Sweet November. It was cute, and said and sappy.

November is also the month that I met Carlos. November 9. This one would've been four years. C'est la vie! This month is also me and Natalie's friendship anniversary. Thanksgiving to be exact. How fitting.

I'm drawing a blank.

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