Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Other People Think of You is None of Your Business...

I have a list of 24 "reminders" at my desk, and that is #18. This list consists of everyday quotes that are applicable to daily happenstances. It's true though, we shouldn't consume ourselves with what energy vampires opinions are of us. Also, I don't want to be one of those vampires. It's not nice and its hurtful.

Today this has really hit me. I went across the street with a co worker to get a burrito for breakfast and we were waiting for our food. Another woman walked up and was standing by us. Before long, my co worker and this woman started ripping into Jillian Barberie (whatever her name is) off the news (its was on.) They just went back and forth about how the camera made her ass look huge, how she looked trashy and how she shouldn't try to rock anything leopard print. A part of me wanted to chime in. Then, I just didn't. I kept my mouth shut.

We came back to the office and my cubbymates started talking about some random girl that used to work here. Again, I stopped myself from chiming in (even know I had a not so nice opinion of the ex co worker.) I actually felt bad. I don't want to be that person constantly trash talking. Sometimes we can't help it. I'm an outspoken person to begin with, so mostly everything I do say about anyone, I would say to their face. That's still not right though. It's my opinion and a lot of times its unwarranted. Who am I to throw stones? Exactly, nobody.

I am making it a point from this day forward to be more conscious of my words. The tongue is a sharp, powerful weapon and I'd much rather be speaking sweet nothings than being sour grapes about people and my opinions of them, their lifestyles etc.

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