Friday, November 4, 2011

What You Seek, Seeks You Too

I went to work today and was so happy it was Friday and payday. 11 o'clock was supposed to be our regularly scheduled group meeting...all the claims assistants were asked to meet in a different room for a quick meeting. Our office manager was in the conference room looking very stern. We all came in and sat down and then he started to read from a paper.

I went numb.

I was being laid off.

Some HR bizzo then entered the room with like 6 packages with "literature" for us to read. Basically, our positions are being moved to the Henderson and Charlotte offices effective March 5, 2012. Yeah, the day after my 30th birthday. We all have the option to relocate, same pay, same position and even a $2,500 relocation fee reimbursement.

I cried and excused myself to the restroom. I was hurt. I've never been laid off. I'm scared. I have bills and I hate having to depend on others. I gathered my composure and went back into the meeting. Our manager told us he understood if we wanted to go home for the day. Through my crackled voice and red, teary face I advised him I was done for the day. In another room was the rest of the office being read this same message about their claims assistants being let go.

I went upstairs and didn't make eye contact with anyone. I felt the sympathy, the stares and I heard the sniffles. I just left as fast as I could.

From the moment I got home, I started making phone calls to people in the "biz" that I know and I started my job hunt.

I've done all I could possibly do. I just felt so blindsided. My heart is at peace, this is a blessing in disguise. I'm a swimmer, no a sinker and work stuff has always worked out for me. If I stay until the last day I will get job assistance, unemployment and I will get a severance package: 2 weeks plus one weeks pay for each year I've completed. That will be 7 weeks of pay. As of this pay check I have accrued 4 weeks of vacation. I have no time planned off, so by March I should have at least another week. That means 3 months pay. I'm not worried about money though.

Ugh...I'm gonna allow myself to wallow today, and maybe a little on Monday when I go back into the office and people ask me the 101 questions they have. This is the beginning of something great, it has to. The bigger picture will unfold soon enough.

Thank you for letting me vent.

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